Tuesday, April 09, 2013
2013 Ultimate Blog Party Post

Well 5 Mins for Mom has done it again. They are hosting the Ultimate Blog Party for 2013. This is the 7th year for this party. It has grown to include Facebook and Twitter. Head over there and learn about the party and the people and prizes involved. Just enjoy. I have found many a blog that I have enjoyed over the years. Go see who is around this year. Maybe even win a prize. But hurry party started April 5 and ends April 13.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Christmas Giveaway at 5 Mins for Mom

Check out 5 mins for mom they run this giveaway every year. See what they are giving away this year.
Thursday, July 07, 2011
A Book Giveaway
My real life friend Kim C. over at In A Shoe in giving away the book Large Family Logistics. I have been wanting to get this book since I first saw it had been released. I stumbled across her blog years ago. Of course she had mostly stopped blogging at the time due to a baby of hers being born premature. I found the blog very interesting. I had only wished I had found it sooner. Now all her wisdom of the logistics of a large family are in this book. So head over there and find out how to enter. But wait!! She is not the only blog hosting the contest.so are the following...
Smockity Frocks
Raising Olives
Common Room
So go to each of them and find out how to enter.
Smockity Frocks
Raising Olives
Common Room
So go to each of them and find out how to enter.
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Christmas Giveaway 2010

Okay better late then never right? This giveaway has been extended until Dec. 4 so you have a few days left to sign up. 5 mins for moms is having there yearly Christmas giveaway. Go here to see the rules and how to participate. Good luck.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The Baby Conference from Vision Forum
So have you heard? Vision Forum is hosting a The Baby Conference in San Antonio, Texas. A Historic Family Summit on the Triumph of Life Over the Culture of Death. There is going to many wonderful speakers.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
The Ultimate Blog Party 2010 Party Post

Have you been to the Ultimate Blog Party at 5 mins for mom. Well click on the above banner and head over there.
So this is my party post. I would like to thank everyone for coming over for a visit. For those of you who are new let me introduce myself. I am a SAHM of 8 children (5 boys, 2 girls and another boy). They are the joy of my live. I am also married to a wonderful man and have been for 16 years. I homeschool them. I also make bows, key fobs and such and hope to open a web store to sell them. I know that my blog photo is out dated. I need to upgrade it soon. They have all grown so much and the baby is not on there and he is 9 months old.
There are alot of nice prizes this year. Of course I would love to win the grand prize but some of the other prizes I like are as follows:
- US71 Build a Bear gift certificate
- US104
- US4 bracelet
- Intl 1 Wordpress blog
- US48 Pampered chef prize
- US3 $150 rocking horse
- US15 $25 Disney gift certificate
- US18 Gift basket
- US105 get fit pkg
- US72 Your Shape for Wii
- USC29 multi-language DVD
then any of the following: USC39, USC35, US7, US101, US112, USC3, USC8, USC13, USC15, USC37, USC53, USC58, US73, US74, US87, US32, US36, US49, US52, US61, US84, US88, USC25, US107, US113, US114, USC36, USC32, USC40, USC44, USC63, US37, US31, US55, US56, US10, USC33, US45, US9, US108, USC10, US78, US22, US35, US8, US83
Now go on over to the party and check it out.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Kim C. at http://inashoe.com/ is have a contest to win a skirt from New Creations. They are modest skirts. Go check it out.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
The Modest Mom: Marie Madeline Giveaway!
Go to The Modest Mom: Marie Madeline Giveaway! They are giving away a pattern of your choice from Marie Madeline. They have wonderful modest patterns for girls and ladies and also some purses. Check out the post and enter to win.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Christmas Giveaway
5 Mins for Mom is having a Christmas giveaway on there site. It started on Nov. 5 and will be going on until Nov. 26 but you will have until Nov. 30 to enter the contest. They will announce winners on Dec 1. So go over there and check it out. Good luck!

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Back to School Giveaway

5 mins for mom is hosting a back to school giveaway on there blog. There are fabulous things to win. The deadline to enter in tomorrow Aug 28 so hurry on over there. To get there click on the button above.