Daily Proverb
Daily Blessing
Tuesday April 1, 2025

Today's Proverb:
   The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.

Baby Slings at Nurtured Family

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Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Win Vision Forum Goodies
In A Shoe is hosting a contest to win all sorts of goodies from Vision Forum. Vision Forum's new catalog is coming out soon. How many products will be in the new catalog? Go and guess. If you guess the closes you can win a prize package of Vision Forum products retailing over $700.
Also there will be a random drawing among entries for 2 - $50 gift certificates. And if that isn't enough if you post about it on your blog you will be entered in to a seperate drawing for another gift package retailing over $700.
So go over to In a Shoe read the rules and take your best guess.
Good luck everyone.

  posted at 9/27/2006  

Thursday, September 14, 2006
Susie at Bluebird Blogs is having a contest.
2 Lucky people will be awarded a free blog template design.

How to enter:
- Send an email with your name and blog address to bluebirdblogs@gmail.com.
- Your name will be entered into the drawing.
- Entries will be accepted from 7:00pm EST on Thursday 9/15/06 until 11:59pm EST on Friday 9/22/06.

Additional Bonus: Mention this contest in a post on your blog and receive 5 extra entries into the drawing! The winner will be announced on http://bluebirdblogs.blogspot.com on the morning of Saturday, September 23rd, 2006 .

Good Luck everybody!

  posted at 9/14/2006  

UPS Delivery!

Guess what the UPS man delivered to my house today? Anyone..anyone? Well I will tell you. It was this:

It is my brand new Kitchenaid mixer! Isn't it just wonderful. I purchased it because of the deal that Kim at In A Shoe told me about. Plus I had an Amazon gift certificate to.
Now lets see what can I make now. I think I will make some Divinity. I haven't had it in years my mother made every Thanksgiving when I was growing up. Everytime I have tried I was unable to make it. One time it was because my microwave wasn't powerful enough to cook the mix and the second time I killed my hand mixer trying to make it. But NOW I have a much stronger microwave and now a brand new mixer. Yeah! I can't wait to use it. Anyone have any suggestions for putting it to good use?

  posted at 9/14/2006  

Happy Birthday, Brandon!

Today is my Brandon's birthday. He is 9 years old today. Here are 9 things to know about Brandon.

1. He was my biggest baby (as of yet). He weighed in at 10 lbs. 4 ozs.
2. He is very strong and likes to show how strong he is.
3. He loves babies. (shhhh don't let him know I told you he'll deny it)
4. His favorite color is blue. Although he occassionally like purple to.
5. He loves to use things he can build with...Magnetix, Legos, Knex
6. Underneath his strong and rough exterior he is actually very sensitive.
7. He says "I have to tell you something" to start most conversations.
8. He LOVES to collect bottle caps and has alot of them.
9. We use to call him our "baby line-backer" when he was born because he was such a solid big baby.

Happy Birthday, Brandon! You're the best Brandon I've ever had and I love you!

  posted at 9/14/2006  

Free American Greetings e-card membership
You will get a one year membership for free! Than you can send American Greetings e-cards for all kinds of occassions. Check it out.

I just did this and it worked for me. I did NOT enter credit card info and I was accepted.
These offers do not last long however so act fast!


Enter the code : DELIGHT and get a FREE year of American greetings online ecards membership

  posted at 9/14/2006  

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Blogging By Mail Goodies

I received my BBM box of goodies this past weekend. It was from Dianna and they were yummy. She sent me 3 different types of goodies. They were peanut-butter oatmeal cookies with nutella filling so they made a peanut-butter oatmeal sandwich cookie, marbled chocolate brownies and coconut - walnut - chocolate chip bars with fruit drizzle. The fruit bars had raspberry drizzle. Now I don't like raspberries and specified that but she sent them for me to try anyway. She says that she has raspberry hating friends that loves them. So I tried them and I have to say I couldn't taste the rasberries at all. They were good. Now my husband enjoyed them also and my five boys wanted nothing more than to eat them all at one time! They simply loved them! My baby girl (11 months old) love the brownie. She had to be included!
I have pictures to post but have been having a problem trying to post them. So in case I can't get them posted here are the pictures and recipes Dianna put on her blog.

Thanks so much to Dianna for all of the yummy goodies they were completely enjoyed!

  posted at 9/13/2006  

Monday, September 04, 2006
Reasons I am Thankful for my Hubby
1. He works very hard for us. He has two jobs and we don't see him alot during the week, but he does this to support us.

2. He believes that I should stay home with our children. I am greatful for this and because he works hard to support us there is nothing to discuss. I stay home and I enjoy being with our children and raising them.

3. He loves me and our children and enjoys spending time with us even if it is for only a few moments of time.

4. He is diligent in his work.

5. He is a great provider.

6. He is a wonderful Daddy.

Thank you honey for always working hard to provide for us even when it hasn't been easy. I thank God for you everyday. Thank you for being a wonderful husband and Daddy.

Love Ya.

  posted at 9/04/2006  

Kim over at In a Shoe posted about free chocolate. Join the Nestle Chocolatier club in September and get a coupon for free chocolate. When you sign up I get more chocolate for refering you and you will get more chocolate for refering other people. SO go sign up and get free chocolate. Thanks Kim!

  posted at 9/04/2006  

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