Daily Proverb
Daily Blessing
Tuesday April 1, 2025

Today's Proverb:
   The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.

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Monday, July 31, 2006
I'm just a girl!
Today I took a long nap. I sat down on the couch after I got up and my 2 year old Marshall came and gave me a big huge hug and said, "Mommy, you're mama! Your my best friend." To which Andrew (the 4 yr old) replied, "I HATE that! You're Not a friend... you're a GIRL!"

  posted at 7/31/2006  

Thursday, July 27, 2006
How Children are not Boring.
After seeing the post on In A Shoe about the mother who thinks her children are painfully boring, I admit, I followed the link to read the article written by this mother. How very sad that she finds her children boring. I am completely astonished that anyone could find there children boring. I do not have boring children at all! In fact, I decided to list some of the exciting things my children do.

-- my 4yr old Andrew likes to dance to whatever music that he hears even if it is a concerto. But he is not the only one... my oldest Steven has put together many a strange dance where you can't help but laugh. Of course that is what he is trying to accomplish.

-- Brandon, our 8 yr old, use to climb up the walls, literally!

-- They love to see what can be flushed down the toilet. In fact, my husband learned that the round will of a Tinker Toy set will go down the toilet and when it does it expands and there is no way to get it out and the toilet will have to be replaced (thank heavens for San Antonio Recycle!)

-- They have been know to be quite creative with coming up with sandwitch creations and drink creations. That they will actually eat but no one else will.

-- All of my sons have vivid imaginations. In fact when Andrew was younger he had not one but several imaginary friends in which he carried on long conversations with. I could watch him forever and just laugh my head off watching him talk to one friend (Imaginary) and then turn to the other imaginary friend and talk. You could almost be convinced that he really was talking to friends but we just couldn't see them.

These are only a small fraction of the non boring things that my children do. So as you can see I have never known a boring child.

  posted at 7/27/2006  

Monday, July 24, 2006
My Girl!

It has been so wonderful having a girl! Even more so having a child that actually looks like me! Katie will make a face or smile in a certain way and I think where have I seen that before? Than I realize I have seen that face in photos of me as a baby. WOW! All of my 5 boys look like their Daddy and definitely look like each other, but she looks like me! Finally one that looks something like me! What joy! Of course, she also looks like her brothers. She definitely looks like she is related. Good thing, huh. I think she is just the most adorable precious little girl in the whole world! But I guess I am a little prejudiced.

  posted at 7/24/2006  

Discusions of Heaven
This evening I overheard my oldest Steven and my 6 yr. old Nathan having a discussion on Heaven.

Nathan: Heaven has only God and people in it and Jesus.

Steven: And all you can eat buffets!

Nathan: No there's not!

Steven: Yes, there is because God provides everything up there!

  posted at 7/24/2006  

Thursday, July 20, 2006
New Glasses!
My oldest son just got new glasses. This is the first time he has had to wear glasses and was not very receptive to the idea, but decided that if he had to have them than he wanted them to be his favorite color, red. We picked them up yesterday and he is actually begining to understand why he needs to wear them and has kind of enjoyed them. Of course his four year brother was in tears when we picked them up because we didn't get him glasses. Anyway I think Steven looks rather handsome in his new glasses. What do you think?

  posted at 7/20/2006  

Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Learning about Girls!
It is so much fun learning about the differences between boys and girls. I have learned yet another difference. We have just started 3rd foods (baby foods) with Katie. They have much more texture than she is use to especially the meals which have bits of pasta and rice in them. She is not always receptive to this addition and one of the new things we have just started this week is Lasana. She is not sure of these new food at all. While this is all familiar teritory for me what is not is how much she picks up on her brothers frustration at trying to feed her said food. Steven gets quite irritated that she refuses to eat the Lasana or spits it out when he gives her a bit. She picks up on this frustration and starts crying and then won't eat anything without crying which only frustrates her brother more. The boys never picked up on my frustration but would just continue in there spitting out of food. No bother to them, but Katie gets so upset and crys. I have to go over there and take over feeding her the food and use tricks to kind of hide the taste of the new food, than she eats it and I can go on to feed her the rest of it without any problem. I am having so much fun learning how girls are different.

  posted at 7/19/2006  

Thursday, July 13, 2006
God Provides
I was reading over at Life in a Shoe and was reading her Thankful Thursday post and it inspired me to write this one. Up until our latest child was born in October, we had five boys and no girls. We found out we were expecting a girl two weeks before she was born. We had already had our baby shower and had been given a $25 gift certificate. With that we went to Walmart and bought a pkg. of onesies and a couple of pants, one little dress and a pair of booties. I had wondered how we would be able to dress our little girl, but didn't worry to much. My daughter was almost 3 weeks late and during that time my mother-in-law, who doesn't generally buy clothes except for birthdays, brought over, at different times, a couple of packages of onesies. After she was born my Daddy and step-mom bought her a nice dress (which she wore to my brother's wedding at 10 days old. We also received many clothes for her for Christmas just two and half months later. Plus my aunt gave me hand me downs from a friend of hers at church. She has since given us more also. We have had many people who can't resist buying a girls outfit as in my family as well as my dear husbands girls are a rare find. We know have a church family that has shared some of there little girls clothing for when Katie (our baby girl) is a little older. We have been very blessed. God has provided. Of course, when we have a little money and I find a good deal I also tend to get her clothes. It is so nice to buy frilly clothes. I look forward to being able to put things in her hair, as right now she doesn't have much hair. God has been very good to us and I am reminded of that when I see what clothes she does have.

  posted at 7/13/2006  

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