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Friday, October 20, 2006
She's Walking!
She has been cruising along the furniture for some time now, but now she is walking without holding on across the living room, down the hallway. She still uses the wall or furniture to regain her support and she still loses her balance and falls on occassion, but it is fewer and farther between. It is sooo adorable to watch her walk. She holds her hands up in the air. She is growing up so quickly I can hardly believe she is already a year old. Where did the year go?

  posted at 10/20/2006  

Sunday, October 15, 2006
More One Year Photos

  posted at 10/15/2006  

One Year Photos

These are some of her one year photos taken a day after her birthday. Isn't she the most beautiful girl ever! We have never had such wonderful pictures taken before with any of the boys. We would get a couple of good photos but never as well done or wonderful as these. I was very pleased with the pictures. Thanks Stephanie for telling me about this photo studio.

  posted at 10/15/2006  

Monday, October 09, 2006
Happy Birthday, Princess Katie!

This post is late in coming. Katie's birthday was October 5. She turned one year old. I can hardly believe it has been a whole year. On her birthday she had her first McDonald's Happy Meal and a cupcake. Her party was on this past Sat. Since one thing is just not enough things to tell you about our darling Katie I will do 12 for being 12 months old.

1. She is the only one, besides her oldest brother Steven, to start walking before she was a year old.
2. She is almost always happy and always has a smile for you.
3. A couple of weeks ago she decided that mommy needed help putting away the groceries. So she crawled over to where I was putting away the cans and boxes and started picking up cans and trying to put them in the cabinet. It took all her little strength and balance to pick them up but she did it and was pleased as punch that she was able to put it away. What a good girl!
4. She loves babies and baby dolls. She already has a couple of dolls and loves them all equally.
5. She desires to make her brothers feel better if they are crying or upset. She will go to them and touch there face and love on them, as if to say "it's okay I love you".
6. She is now walking further and further distances everyday. I believe that soon it will be her main mode of transportation rather than crawling.
7. She learned how to jump in her Jumparoo from watching a video of her cousin Payton (almost 4 months) jumping in his. Prior to this she would just stand in it.
8. She is a complete joy.
9. She is quite patient.
10. She enjoys rolling around on the floor.
11. She has had her ears pierced since she was almost 8 months old.
12. She likes to dance to music when we play it.

  posted at 10/09/2006  

Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Have You Ever...
Have you Ever . . .

My real-life friend Amy posted this meme and my real-life friend Kim posted this one. I learned a lot of new things about both of them.

I have...

01. Climbed a mountain
02. Taken a candlelit bath with someone
03. Said “I love you’ and meant it
04. Hugged a tree
05. Stayed up all night long and saw the sun rise
06. Grown and eaten your own vegetables
07. Changed a baby’s diaper
08. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment
09. Had a snowball fight
10. Screamed as loudly as you possibly can
11. Ridden a roller coaster
12. Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment
13. Had two hard drives for your computer
14. Had amazing friends
15. Taken a road-trip
16. Kissed in the rain
17. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken
18. Gotten married
19. Made cookies from scratch
20. Ridden a train
21. Got flowers for no reason
22. Performed on stage
23. Been to Las Vegas
24. Raised children
25. Sang loudly in the car, and didn’t stop when you knew someone was looking
26. Had my ankles broken 8 times (once a week for 8 weeks) when I was 6 months old
27. Fired a rifle, shotgun, or pistol
28. Ridden a horse
29. Had major surgery
30. Missed my school reunion
31. Dyed your hair
32. Saved someone’s life (well sort of,got him help which prevented his death - my Daddy)
33. Ridden the back of a motorcycle
34. Given birth-naturally @ home,induced @ the hospital with pitocin,&by c-section(any others
35. Figured out what the problem was and fixed the a/c not blowing on the van
36. Visited LBJ's ranch
37. Taken a class for computer programing (basic) at college when I was in the 2nd grade (called
College for Kids @ SAC)
38. Taken care of cleaning and packing a gun shot wound
39. Know how to put an elbow back in place when it comes out
40. Counted medication in a hospital pharmacy to fill prescriptions
41. Performed EKG's in a hospital on a reguar basis for about 12 weeks
42. Worked as a police dispatcher for San Antonio Police Dept.
43. Been to 20 of the 50 states
44. Watched part of an open heart surgery from the gallery at a hospital
45. Been a page for a day for Congressman Ciro Rodriguez at the Texas Capital
46. Had lunch with Congressman Ciro Rodriguez on the same day
47. Had to take your fiances grandmother to the county jail to visit her daughter
48. Sang the National Anthem for a graduation ceremony
49. Been to the observation deck of The Tower of Americas
50. Worked in the Pediatrics dept. of a hospital
51. Been to dinner at a restarant while in labor and 9cms dilated
52. Been to Target while in labor and 9cms dilated
53. Been to church the Sunday after a c-section the Wed. before
54. Had to walk 10 miles in the drizzle and cold after the car broke down
55. Petted a 6 ft. Pyton that terified your american Indian great-grandmother

So what is the most interesting thing you've ever done? Leave a link and post about it. Let's learn some fun things about each other!

  posted at 10/03/2006  

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