Monday, November 05, 2007
November Giveaway Challenge #3
This challenge is to post a photo and tell why it inspires you. Well here is why these photos inspire me.
It inspires me to be:
A better wife, helpmate, friend, companion, cook, a better mother, teacher, confidant, to be better than I am, to show me why I use always strife to correct my faults, admit my faults, to be more giving, to be a better example, just to be a better person. It inspires me to teach my boys to be strong Godly boys who will grow up to be Godly men, husbands, and fathers, to teach my daughters to grow up to be Godly woman, wives and mothers and helpmates. They inspire me to laugh, enjoy life and take joy in the small things in life, to enjoy there happiness even if it is a yucky bug that they are collecting, just to enjoy every year, month, day, hour, minute and second that I am with them. God has giving me my husband and my children and need to be grateful for them and strive to be the best I can for them. God has blessed me richly. This is why this is such an inspiring photo.
Great photos! The baby is getting so big already!
Thanks, I can hardly believe she is already 3 months old.
great photos and great reasons why they inspire you
Enjoy that beautiful family!
Sweet pics Michelle :) God certainly has blessed you :)
A blessed family indeed! Great Pics
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